Send us your photo...and we'll turn your Memory into a Masterpiece on Canvas!

CanvasArt creates masterpiece portraits in the style of Traditional Fine Oil. Home of the $25 Preview, we allow you to view your photo turned into painting first and decide afterwards whether to purchase. We work this way to insure satisfaction with your photo to canvas painting

* Painted Family Portraits
* Painted Child Portraits
* Dog Painting & Dog Portraits
* Painted Pet Portraits
* Painted Baby Portraits
* Painted Wedding Portraits
* Painted Memorial Portraits
* Painted Vacation Portraits
* Painted Self Portraits
* Pop Art Portraits
* Painted Couples Portraits
* Painted Celebrity Portraits

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Hello Lisa, Here is our painted artwork of the Jackson children. Hope you like it!

from: Art Director on Friday, April 25, 2014

I love it!!! I will be calling you tomorrow sometime to pay for the print I want. I have a question to ask though. Is there someway I could get a copy of it so I can make smaller prints. Like 5x7's and wallets too. I could send some to family members in Missouri.

from: Lisa Islam on Sunday, April 27, 2014

This picture that I had canvas art staff to work with was absolutely lovely. I was amazed with their work and I will be recommending them to all my family and friends. And the prices are affordable too. I have a few other pictures that I will be submitting to them to work on in the future and really cannot wait to see what else they can do for me and my family.

from: Lisa on Sunday, April 27, 2014